Konkurs za Erazmus trening kurs / seminar na Kipru, 1.-7.06.2022 (Larnaca)

Centar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da Vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za trening kurs “‘Advanced Digital Skills for youth workers’” koji će se održati u Larnaki na Kipru od 1.do 7.juna 2022. godine.
Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 21 do 30 godina.
Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme ispod poziva.

The Training Course
Advanced digital skills are becoming a prerequisite for entry into many jobs and have a wide range of applications, even beyond domains where they are needed for core tasks. Across competence dimensions, the largest skills deficit, both among the active labour force and the population at large, relates to the use of software for content manipulation. Almost
one in three internet users in the EU has no skills in this area (i.e. they claimed not to have carried out any of the activities considered under this dimension, which range from relatively basic text treatment and spreadsheet-based work to video
editing and coding). This share is particularly large in Bulgaria and Romania (about 51 % of internet users) as well as Latvia (40%).

Digital skills are critically important not only for accessing the labour market but also for harnessing the benefits of the digital transformation that is currently underway. Making sure the EU labour force has the necessary digital skills, including by addressing digital skills deficits in certain groups, such as youth and those who work with them, will thus be essential to bring about an inclusive digital economy and society.
The fast changing digital environment requires a proper response from our educational systems if we are to educate the European citizens of the future. ‘SMART’ youth work recognizes that digital media & technologies open great potential for youth empowerment, enriching opportunities for enhancing their personal capabilities & competences & providing opportunities for connectivity & interaction with others.
The main idea of this project is to introduce a specifically designed NFE (Non formal Educational) training that combines digital tools such as web platforms, computer software and mobile application in order to enrich the digital competences of youth workers. More specifically, the youth workers involved in the main activity will be equipped to obtain, process and
create digital content through graphic design, web and application software development. This will enable them, not only to modernize their teaching through the use of digital learning resources, but even more so to share this practical knowledge with the young people they are working with.
The project benefits to all three dimensions for impacting successful digital youth work, according to the European Union Work Plan for Youth for 2016-2018: digitalisation of society, organisational digital development and youth work competences.
The specific objectives of the project, in line with Erasmus+ programme objectives, are:
– To boost both youth workers’ soft skills and ICT skills by engaging them in digital activities through the use of digital content and digital tools in the digital environment.
– To support youth workers motivation and capacity to use digital tools and technologies to create knowledge and to innovate processes in creation and implementation of smart youth work
– To support the inclusion of youth workers and young people into the labour market by providing them with advanced digital skills and competences that will significantly boost their employability
– To promote the understanding and the application of certain EU youth policies related to the domain of this project such as ‘The Digital Competence Framework’ and ‘European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators’
– To strengthen the international cooperation of the consortium for the modernization of youth through the development new initiatives that develop the digital skills of young people.
⸿ Working Methods and Language

• The training will be based on non-formal education methods, encouraging active participation of young people involved.
• group work, ice breaking activities, group building,
• online quizes, observation of online content,
• discussion, case study, presentation, creation of online content, role playing, exchange of good practices,
• facilitation by trainers, site visit, input from experts,
• participating in an educational gamified activity
• peer to peer education, networking, e-learning, idea planning


Učesnicima će biti refundirani putni troškovi u visini do 275 evra.
Planirana je (opciono) jednodnevna poseta Limasolu.
Radni jezik je engleski.
Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.
CRPS će kontaktirati samo kandidate koji udju u drugi krug selekcije.

Važni datumi:
14-20.04.2022 (12:00) – Rok za prijave.
21.-23.04.2022 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika.
24.04.2022 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 10) za odabrane učesnike.
30.04.2022 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću.
01.-07.06.2022 – Program “Advanced Digital Skills for youth workers’”
Molimo Vas da sva vaša pitanja u vezi konkursa pošaljete u pisanoj formi na email: konkurs@crps.org.rs sa nazivom „KIPAR 2022“ najkasnije 1 dana pre isteka roka za konkurisanje.