Konkurs za omladinsku razmenu u Nemačkoj (Mözen, Berlin, Hamburg)

Centar za razvojnu politiku i saradnju (CRPS) ima zadovoljstvo da Vas pozove da se prijavite na konkurs za omladinsku razmenu “Living Together: Let’s Work on Common Understanding” koji će se održati u Mözenu u Nemačkoj od 1. do 9. novembra 2019. godine.

Pravo prijavljivanja i učešća imaju svi mladi iz Srbije starosti od 19 do 30 godina.

Prijavljivanje se vrši popunjavanjem aplikacione forme ispod poziva.

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By youth exchange ‘Living Together: Let’s Work on Common Understanding’ we aim to create more inclusive society by addressing the issue of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination and by raising understanding of young people on the importance of intercultural dialogue. During 7-days youth exchange the participants will explore storytelling as innovative tool of intercultural learning and dialogue. Youth exchange will provide an opportunity for the participants to interact with local people and to gather their stories as a reflection of their values, perceptions and opinions.


  • To strengthen knowledge of the participants on using storytelling as innovative tool of intercultural learning and dialogue;
  • To raise awareness of the participants on using storytelling as tools of fighting stereotypes, prejudices and tackling the roots of discrimination;
  • To provide space for intercultural learning and to increase participant’s intercultural competencies;
  • To empower participants to address stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination in their communities;
  • To provide the participants an opportunity to develop individual set of competencies including communication, creativity, problem solving and teamwork;
  • To increase participant’s knowledge on Erasmus + Programme and support developing new project ideas especially under Key Action 1.

Set project objectives are in line with the priorities and objectives of Erasmus + Programme, KA 1. Youth exchange ‘Living Together: Let’s Work on Common Understanding’ will promote diversity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect.

Moreover, during the youth exchange young people will be empower to stand out against discrimination, prejudices and stereotypes. It means that the youth exchange will support initiative of young people and encourage them to address intercultural challenges and to build a more inclusive society.



Organizator snosi troškove smeštaja i hrane. Broj učesnika iz Srbije je 8.
Učesnicima će biti refundirani putni troškovi u visini do 275 evra.
Planirana je (opciono) jednodnevna poseta Skoplju, trodnevna poseta Berlinu i jednodnevna poseta Hamburgu.
Radni jezik je engleski.

Slanjem aplikacije izjavljujete da se slažete sa uslovima prijavljivanja i učešća.
CRPS će kontaktirati samo kandidate koji udju u drugi krug selekcije.

Važni datumi:
13.08-19.08.2019 (23:59) – Rok za prijave.
20.-25.08.2019 – Kontaktiranje odabranih učesnika.
25.08.2019 – Rok za uplatu participacije (u iznosu od € 20) za odabrane učesnike.
29.08.2019 – Predstavljanje programa i potpisivanje ugovora o učešću.
25.-28.05.2019 – Grupno viziranje i timske aktivnosti u Beogradu
1.-09.11.2019 – Program “Living Together: Let’s Work on Common Understanding”

Molimo Vas da sva vaša pitanja u vezi konkursa pošaljete u pisanoj formi na email: konkurs@crps.org.rs sa nazivom „MOZEN“ najkasnije 1 dana pre isteka roka za konkurisanje (18.8)



